Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

0 Randomly On This Blog!

Hi..Hi..Hi :)) Mumpung lagi ga ada kerjaan nih*emang prnh ada kerjaan?* and mood lagi baik ,daripada tidur2an ga jelas ditempat tidur ,aku mutusin buat berduan dengan my lovely computer (?)wkwk 
Nah..its start to penggajean di Blog :p

hemm..btw first! I wanna tell you bout' something, well..I just enjoy to said “aku” than “gue or saya” on this blog ,you know? Gue is too pretentious, well.. Saya is too formal and I think that’s silly awkward,right? And the first reason why I say "aku" cause everyday when I talk with my friends I always used “aku”, Hahahaha I know maybe it’s more simple than “Gue” but it is our culture,I'll neva change it, and yea I love it.
This is not important,really not important,truly not important (?) I just feel I need to tell you this,yes I am mad,you mad? Still mad. 

Tapi kadang-kadang aku juga suka pake bhs.inggris atau nyampurin bhs.inggris sama bhs.indonesia, sok kebule bule-an? Big no, aku nggak nyoba buat jadi sok kebule bule an,aku cuman seneng kayak gini,I was born to be me. Tapi man!!oh cmon!! Aku tetep cinta Indonesia! Merdeka ! #inigapentingbanget
Oke,back to topic.

Sebenernya topiknya apasih? Aku juga ga ngerti,asal post aja wkwkw tapi kenapa kalian masih ngebaca ini? Atau jangan jangan kalian my secret admirer ya? Ohmygod thank you very much,I really love you all,God Bless <3 :3
Padahal yakin 2000% nih ya visitor blog ini pasti temen-temen aku disekolah yang aku paksa buat buka blog aku wkwkwk <-first fact kalo blog aku emang ga laku-_______-
Well, tadi ceritanya abis ngepost tentang "who is lauren westphalen ? and what her relationship with greyson?"<-Bacalooh!!Baca!!BACA! #promosibentar Nah..actually, tadi aku ngepost tentang lalalililolo itu antara terpaksa dan sangat terpaksa ngepostnya (?)wk lagian siapa coba yang rela ngebahas hubungan tunangannya ( read:greyson ) dengan mantannya,siapa coba yang rela? Tapi kenapa kalian masih nanya ke aku tentang mereka? Kenapa kalian maksa aku buat nunjukin fotonya lauren atau si lalalililolo itu ke kalian? Kalian ngerti ga sih sama perasaan aku? Kenapa kalian ga nanya kapan aku bakal melangkah kejenjang yang lebih serius sama Greyson? Kenapa kalian ngungkap masa lalu Greyson didepan aku?  HAHHH? KENAPA? #mukamelasmataberkacakaca *sebenernya siapa yang minta sih? Siapa yang nanyak juga? aku kan pengen sendiri U,U <- second fact kalo blog aku gak laku :'3
Ini posting apa sih sebenernya??apaa??apaaAA??APAAA?? U_U wkwkw baca-baca aja deh yaa...
wkwkw over all,aku cuman lagi pengen ngepost gaje2an aja sih..kapan-kapan aku bakal ngepost yang lebih penting lagi deh, kapan2 looh ya! KAPAN_KAPAN!u,u 
Bytheway.. for you who want to ask about greyson chance or Justin bieber or Demi lovato or others just leave coment, k? ,I will be happy to answer your question,really :) *emang ada yang mau coment?* <-third fact blog aku ga laku ckckck
Hahahahaha well guys! This Blog is just for my penggajean, actually. I just wouldnt wanna be anybody else..I just wanna be ordinary. So, for peoples who dont like.Who r u to judge?..well its not your bussiness right?
see ya :D

NEXT - Randomly On This Blog!

0 What I've come realize today.

Never complain about how much your legs hurt from walking so much,
Because there are people are paralyzed/in wheel chairs
Who would give anything to able to walk at least 5 steps.

Never complain about how much your eyes hurt or how brutal it is to look at something,
Because there are blind people out there
Who would give anything to be able to see for at least 5 seconds.

Never complain about how something annoys you,and you don’t want to hear it,
Because there are deaf people put there
Who would give anything to hear one sound.

Never complain about how you don’t want to talk to someone
Because there are deaf people who aren’t able to talk abouth the things they want to
And would give anything to be able to speak their minds.

never complain about getting old because so many people never get the chance to.

Never complain about not getting clothes/toys/etc. that you want
Because there are so many less fortunate people who are grateful to get something.
As simple as a dollar some fries.

Never complain about not being hang out with your friends
Because there are soldiers out there fighting for our rights,safety and freedom,
Who can’t even come home with their families
NEXT - What I've come realize today.

0 Who Is Lauren? What was her relationship with Greyson?

Hello enchancers ! Greysonator! Or all you have to call for greyson chance’s fans

i'm sure all of you must be so curious about Lauren. well, have you ever seen Greyson Chance's piano? pay attention to the right side of the piano, you'll see a name there. Yes, it was Lauren. Who is Lauren? What was her Relationship with Greyson?

Today, i'm gonna answer all of the questions in your mind. Lauren is Greyson's ex-girlfriend.
Actually, greyson said that he wrote it because he wanted lauren to know that he will never forget what she did. So, I think that they may have been going out, or she cheated on him, but that's none of our business there must be a good reason between greyson and Lauren to end their relationship. oh yea, i heard the song 'broken heart' was for Lauren. but i think his other heart break song like heart like stone, slipping away,take a look at me now,light up the dark etc. were for Lauren too. (Actually i get a little bit jealous to Lauren. you know, greyson still thinking of her though)

well, this is the picture of the piano, with the name Lauren there :

I just find one on my laptop,I'm so sorry for you all,I'll search that soon

And,I have some Lauren pictures, here you are...

with greyson,this is old pictures

With all of her friends,this is new picture

old picture too

at colton's birthday party!

Nah,know her now? Personally I love her eyes
NEXT - Who Is Lauren? What was her relationship with Greyson?
Hello Kitty Winking Pointer


Demi Lovato-Let it go

Thanks for Coming :)


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