Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

3 ALB! NINE DC! #memorial

1...2..3 *suara ketty menggema di kls* ALB!!!! NINE DC! *dan suara ke-12 orang pun ikut menggentarkan kelas #sehh*
kangen banget sama teriakan itu :') yap! tiap hari kita latian dance buat penampilan Harmoni Akhir Tahun yang ada di sekolahku. Bener2 usaha yang wow! amazing!adorable!awesome!and WOW! dan semua itu.......cuma menjadi MEMORIAL OF BEGINNER FAMILY :(
And this is our sad moments....... <3
oya! sebelumnya first story dulu ya ;)
So, karna sekolah kita yg elite bgt itu yang namanya Albanna! (kalo mau cari di jl.tukad yeh ho 3 eh! kalo ada temen kalian atau ttga atau sodara yg mau daftar SMP kesana aja! bagus kok sekolahnya pendaftar dimulai tanggal...) <-eh  kenapa promosi?-__- lagi nyesek ni loh!!
skip~~ Jadi..kita disuruh bikin penampilan buat acara harmoni itu, krn kelas IXDC dibagi 3 kelompok, yg satu mau nari kipas, satunya nyanyi, so? kita apa doong? *tiba2 naila memecah keheningan(?)* "Eh! kita buat dance aja yuk! Bagusloh! dancenya video klip Beginner AKB48" And finally, with many conflicts kelompok kita pun setuju bgt buat ngedance! But..karna kita juga dibagi kelompok jadi si pecinta Jepang, Korea, and Amerika(dan itu pst aku._.) akhirnya kita bikin konsep! Lagu AKB48 akan diremix sama lagu SNSD  and We Are The World from western for the end! weird but cool RIGHT?? :D
Hey! aku mau ngenalin dulu nih yep! This is our personnels :
1. Mardiah Ketty
2. Nurtri Keviana
3. Naila Syafira
4. Nisrina Abt
5. Farhat Lubena (tapi suka diganti Lubeda._.)
6.Hanny Hanifah(?)
7.Dian Anjelika
8. Salsabila Ismi
9. Nanda Chance Bieber Lovato Madeleine(?) *iniapa-_-
10. Miftahul Jannah
11. Fonda Leviany
12. Arini Puput

Banyak gak?? banyak dooonng! hahaha next ya! nah! karna kita mau bikin dance dari judul Beginner, enath apa yg terjadi teralami dan terselubung(??) kita namain kelompok dance kita BEGINNER FAMILY :3 unyu gak?-____- anggep iya dah!
Berdetik detik, bermenit menit, berjam jam, berhari hari, berminggu minggu hingga bulan(?) kita latian terus! Dari pagi sampe ketemu pagi lagi U,U eh gak deng! cuma dari pagi sampe sore :) Dan...hasilnya???? *jengjengjeng* dalam waktu 1 minggu aja kita cuma dpt 10 detik coy!! GILA KAN??IYAAAAAA!
hemm..slowdown U,U
makanya karna kita gak mau gila dan membuat kegilaan.-. kita mutusin cuma make lagu BEGINNER! uwooohh (jeng jeng jeng jeng..aaaa..aaaaa..aaaa) <-??
Akhirnya kita latian dgn semangat api yg membara(?) hohoho mulai dari latian dikelas berkali2 sampe hrs ke rumah si nisrina abt juga sampe balik kekelas lagi, sampe dirumah sendiri juga latian sendiri, sampe sampe enek bgt dengerin lagu Beginner-____- dan sampeeeee pada saatnya dan pada akhirnyaaaa DANCENYA SELESAI!wow! what a happy moment guys? what a greymazing moment? :D *senyum sumringah*
karna semuanya udah finish, kita coba latian gabungan sama yg nari kipas dan nyanyi :) kita juga manggil guru! deg degan banget yaallah U,U masalahnya kita tuh nekat bgt ngedance!!-____-
tapi..tapi..tapi...dari keempat guru yg kita udah tunjukin GUESS WHAT? mereka semua bilang bagus dan keren :') aww so sweet! rasanya kerja keras kita gak sia2 yaaa..walaupun ada slh satu guru yg agak ga terima sih U,U


NEXT - ALB! NINE DC! #memorial

Minggu, 03 Juni 2012


Huaaaawwuuh! Hari ini tepat pada tanggal 2 Juni 2012 jam 11.00 waku Indonesia tengah akan terjadi guncangan hebat dalam hati(?) para siswa SMP ALBANNA!karna akan diumumkan nem dan kelulusannya U,U. daaaaannn..............the next shocked moment is.........
Para guru Albanna yang iseng bgt sumpah! nelponin ortu satu2 buat ngasi tau nilainya WAW GAK TUH?!AMAZING BGT GAK? enggak? oke... U,U
~dag dig dug hatikuuuuuuu *brb nyetel lagu blink*(?)
oke! sebenernya ya..yang bikin deg2an bgt tuh bukan nemnya sih *oke deg2an juga* TAPI! kenapa harus ditelpon orang tuanya?? itu sama aja dengan menentang maut(?) atau sengaja masuk kemulut gorila(?)-_- kenapa gak kesekolah aja! liat sendiri! kalo bagus bilang ke ortu kalo enggak gak bilang #modus.-.

Dan akhirnyaaaaaa.. *jengjeng* the teacher was calling my  mom! *brb mules* (masuk kamar-tutup telinga-gak mau dengerin)
5 menit kemudian.............

HUH! setelah bermules-mules ria, akhirnya dengan muka sumringah*agak* my mom said that I've good score! SAYA DINYATAKAN LULUS :3 legaaa yaallahh, demi apa penantian panjangku tlah usai~~
tapi ngepas si emang wakkaka nemnya 35,15 dengan nilai terjelek IPA 7,75 huakakakaka yg lainnya 9 dunk :3
well..setelah bersyukur2 ria dan ngenes2 ria.....
saya buka twitter..and! *jengjeng* penyesekan-pengenesan-penggalauan kembali memuncak! demi apa?? gak ada angin, gak ada hujan, gak ada uang(?), gak ada makanan(?) *ehcurhat* ADA BERITA MENGGEMPARKAN KEMBALI!
RESY sang anak medan! *horas* Seorang resy? Yg sering banget tidur di kelas? Apalagi pas bimbel sering tidur, kalo dijelasin guru selalu tidur seenak idung dan upilnya, kalodiajak ngomong gak pernah ngeh *harus teriak sumpah!* bisa dapet nem diatas kuuuuh!!!! wow gak? dia dapet 35,95 WOW KAN?!bangetttttt...
 Dan, yang lebih wow lagi! ni anak upil langsung jadi ttww albanna di twitter wakakkakakak yang pada intinya bukan ngasih congrats tapi malah "masa sih resy segitu? gak percaya! *curiga*" huahahahaha kasian bgt tu anak upil :D :P *devilsmile*
Apalagi ketty (kalo mau tau anaknya willketty.blogspot.com buka dah) <-eh! ket aku promosiin loh!*
 nah, dia nulis gini "Hell shit! resi! minta dibunuh anaknya" huakakakakaka :D

udah ah, ngakaknya-____________-
 yah..sebenernya bersyukur bgt si udah lulus trus bersyukur juga tu si resi upil juga lulus jd gak malu2in Albanna wkwkwk kan kasian ya Albanna kalo ada yg gak lulus. Apa kata dunia??? kita sebagai murid harus membanggakan albanna(?) HIDUP ALBANNA!(?)
huh! udahlah..cukup sekian curhatnya dan terimakasih krn gak ada yang baca wkwkwkw :P

see ya!

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

0 Collection Things!

Well..Hello everybody! I wanna post something about my collections of my Idols <3 (read: Greyson Chance and Justin Bieber) aww #MUCHLOVE and #BIGHUG :) Dont be jelly ok?muehehe :p

Start from.....my first inspiration people :) The coolest guy i've ever know, The boy who always make me melt aww, and he is my big bro! haha :3

Those are my Justin's official book stories and that's my purple headset (I think it's like Jb's muehehe).em..I got my first Justin's book when my mom bought me "Justin Bieber First Step 2 Forever" in my birthday what a nice day :) thx mom, luv ya! And my second Jb's book, I bought it by myself yup! "Justin Bieber Never Say Never"

Then! This my Beebuh's photos :D awaww! he's so handsome right??HA???SAY YES!! And the pink paper with many pict of him, I made it by my self :) is it cute, isnt?

And! This is all of my collections bout' justin <3
His official book stories, magazines, posters, pin up and etc :)

Then....next part.....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

And the second, my other inspiration people! oh...oke my boyfriend! ow? wrong? emm..my future husband? YES!
muehehe :3 He is GREXY *eh GREYSON MICHAEL CHANCE and me..of course MRS.CHANCE :D oke, Im kidding..we just talk bout' Greyson <3
 well..this's my first picture...

I dont have so much things of him hehehe just like that, some photos, magazines, posters and I have a Greyson's mask! hohoho :3

And I just bought a book "All About Greyson Chance"! And wow! I got a giant poster of him!
THE LAST! this is my posters that I put it on my wall :)

doneee! :) merci..

NEXT - Collection Things!

Selasa, 17 April 2012

0 Message from Indonesian Enchancers for Greyson Chance :)

"Hey Greyson, have a nice trip in Malaysia.What do you think bout' Qistina? Your President of Enchancers in Malaysia?! She's lucky fans, right? She took a photo with you in the Airport. Why Indonesian fans who waited you in the Airport couldn't do it too? If Qistina could, why we don't?? 
We are same right? In your interview woth John Martin, you said "I'm married to my fans, they dont like if I'm cheating", but its like you just cheated with Qistina and it hurt us so much. Did Qistina pay for it? if yes, should we pay like her to get a photo with you? Is qistina more special than us?"

Last...thanks for make my heart broke.
NEXT - Message from Indonesian Enchancers for Greyson Chance :)

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

0 Randomly On This Blog!

Hi..Hi..Hi :)) Mumpung lagi ga ada kerjaan nih*emang prnh ada kerjaan?* and mood lagi baik ,daripada tidur2an ga jelas ditempat tidur ,aku mutusin buat berduan dengan my lovely computer (?)wkwk 
Nah..its start to penggajean di Blog :p

hemm..btw first! I wanna tell you bout' something, well..I just enjoy to said “aku” than “gue or saya” on this blog ,you know? Gue is too pretentious, well.. Saya is too formal and I think that’s silly awkward,right? And the first reason why I say "aku" cause everyday when I talk with my friends I always used “aku”, Hahahaha I know maybe it’s more simple than “Gue” but it is our culture,I'll neva change it, and yea I love it.
This is not important,really not important,truly not important (?) I just feel I need to tell you this,yes I am mad,you mad? Still mad. 

Tapi kadang-kadang aku juga suka pake bhs.inggris atau nyampurin bhs.inggris sama bhs.indonesia, sok kebule bule-an? Big no, aku nggak nyoba buat jadi sok kebule bule an,aku cuman seneng kayak gini,I was born to be me. Tapi man!!oh cmon!! Aku tetep cinta Indonesia! Merdeka ! #inigapentingbanget
Oke,back to topic.

Sebenernya topiknya apasih? Aku juga ga ngerti,asal post aja wkwkw tapi kenapa kalian masih ngebaca ini? Atau jangan jangan kalian my secret admirer ya? Ohmygod thank you very much,I really love you all,God Bless <3 :3
Padahal yakin 2000% nih ya visitor blog ini pasti temen-temen aku disekolah yang aku paksa buat buka blog aku wkwkwk <-first fact kalo blog aku emang ga laku-_______-
Well, tadi ceritanya abis ngepost tentang "who is lauren westphalen ? and what her relationship with greyson?"<-Bacalooh!!Baca!!BACA! #promosibentar Nah..actually, tadi aku ngepost tentang lalalililolo itu antara terpaksa dan sangat terpaksa ngepostnya (?)wk lagian siapa coba yang rela ngebahas hubungan tunangannya ( read:greyson ) dengan mantannya,siapa coba yang rela? Tapi kenapa kalian masih nanya ke aku tentang mereka? Kenapa kalian maksa aku buat nunjukin fotonya lauren atau si lalalililolo itu ke kalian? Kalian ngerti ga sih sama perasaan aku? Kenapa kalian ga nanya kapan aku bakal melangkah kejenjang yang lebih serius sama Greyson? Kenapa kalian ngungkap masa lalu Greyson didepan aku?  HAHHH? KENAPA? #mukamelasmataberkacakaca *sebenernya siapa yang minta sih? Siapa yang nanyak juga? aku kan pengen sendiri U,U <- second fact kalo blog aku gak laku :'3
Ini posting apa sih sebenernya??apaa??apaaAA??APAAA?? U_U wkwkw baca-baca aja deh yaa...
wkwkw over all,aku cuman lagi pengen ngepost gaje2an aja sih..kapan-kapan aku bakal ngepost yang lebih penting lagi deh, kapan2 looh ya! KAPAN_KAPAN!u,u 
Bytheway.. for you who want to ask about greyson chance or Justin bieber or Demi lovato or others just leave coment, k? ,I will be happy to answer your question,really :) *emang ada yang mau coment?* <-third fact blog aku ga laku ckckck
Hahahahaha well guys! This Blog is just for my penggajean, actually. I just wouldnt wanna be anybody else..I just wanna be ordinary. So, for peoples who dont like.Who r u to judge?..well its not your bussiness right?
see ya :D

NEXT - Randomly On This Blog!

0 What I've come realize today.

Never complain about how much your legs hurt from walking so much,
Because there are people are paralyzed/in wheel chairs
Who would give anything to able to walk at least 5 steps.

Never complain about how much your eyes hurt or how brutal it is to look at something,
Because there are blind people out there
Who would give anything to be able to see for at least 5 seconds.

Never complain about how something annoys you,and you don’t want to hear it,
Because there are deaf people put there
Who would give anything to hear one sound.

Never complain about how you don’t want to talk to someone
Because there are deaf people who aren’t able to talk abouth the things they want to
And would give anything to be able to speak their minds.

never complain about getting old because so many people never get the chance to.

Never complain about not getting clothes/toys/etc. that you want
Because there are so many less fortunate people who are grateful to get something.
As simple as a dollar some fries.

Never complain about not being hang out with your friends
Because there are soldiers out there fighting for our rights,safety and freedom,
Who can’t even come home with their families
NEXT - What I've come realize today.

0 Who Is Lauren? What was her relationship with Greyson?

Hello enchancers ! Greysonator! Or all you have to call for greyson chance’s fans

i'm sure all of you must be so curious about Lauren. well, have you ever seen Greyson Chance's piano? pay attention to the right side of the piano, you'll see a name there. Yes, it was Lauren. Who is Lauren? What was her Relationship with Greyson?

Today, i'm gonna answer all of the questions in your mind. Lauren is Greyson's ex-girlfriend.
Actually, greyson said that he wrote it because he wanted lauren to know that he will never forget what she did. So, I think that they may have been going out, or she cheated on him, but that's none of our business there must be a good reason between greyson and Lauren to end their relationship. oh yea, i heard the song 'broken heart' was for Lauren. but i think his other heart break song like heart like stone, slipping away,take a look at me now,light up the dark etc. were for Lauren too. (Actually i get a little bit jealous to Lauren. you know, greyson still thinking of her though)

well, this is the picture of the piano, with the name Lauren there :

I just find one on my laptop,I'm so sorry for you all,I'll search that soon

And,I have some Lauren pictures, here you are...

with greyson,this is old pictures

With all of her friends,this is new picture

old picture too

at colton's birthday party!

Nah,know her now? Personally I love her eyes
NEXT - Who Is Lauren? What was her relationship with Greyson?

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

0 Greyson Chance's Fact ♥

a - augustana
Saking ngefansnya sama band rock asal Amrik ini, bulan September tahun lalu, Greyson meng-upload videonya yang menyanyikan lagu Augustana berjudul Fire di You Tube. Greyson mengaku kalau lagu-lagu Augustana menginspirasinya dalam bermusik.

b - black cherry ice cream
Kalau beli es krim serut kesukaannya di Bahama Ice Cream, kios es krim kesukaannya di Oklahoma, Greyson pasti memilih rasa black cherry. Biar makin laris, kios es krim ini memakai nama Greyson buat jadi salah satu menu es serutnya, namanya Greyson Chance Snow Cone. ?Hmm, pasti rasanya semanis Greyson. Hi hi hi. (onyit centil)

c - california
Cowok berumur tiga belas tahun ini pertama kali ngerasain gempa dengan kekuatan 5,4 skala Richter di California, tanggal 8 Juli 2010 lalu. Lewat Twitter, Greyson ngasih tau ke penggemarnya kalau dia baik-baik aja. Fiuh...

d - dog lovers
Greyson sayang banget sama Macy, anjingnya. Selain Macy, Greyson juga memelihara tiga ekor kucing bernama Oreo, Rachel, dan Smokey.

e - ellen dan eleveneleven 
Dua nama ini berperan banget di karir musik Greyson. Ellen DeGeneres, host acara talkshow terkenal di Amrik ini-lah yang pertama kali ngajak Greyson muncul di tv. Ellen juga membuat label rekaman ElevenEleven supaya bisa merilis album Greyson. "Aku berterima kasih banget sama dia! And, she's a really good friend," kata Greyson.

f - fluent in french
"Aku selalu pengin lancar berbahasa Prancis. Menurutku, bahasa Prancis itu bagian dari seni. And, I like the way it sounds," jawab Greyson saat ditanya bahasa apa yang pengin dia pelajari. ?Mending belajar bahasa Jawa sama Onyit. Biar kamu jadi medok. (onyit melet)

g - glee addict
Selain pengin main di serial tv Glee, Greyson juga mau banget ketemu sama para pemainnya. Terutama Diana Agron, yang jadi salah satu celebrity crush-nya. Cieee...

h - harry potter's biggest fan!
Greyson sering banget ngomongin Harry Potter di Twitter. "I am a harry Potter nerd," akunya. Cowok yang suka makanan Mexico ini bilang kalau Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix adalah buku favoritnya. Greyson juga pengin banget main games-nya Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows.

i - "i would date my fans!"
Biar udah terkenal, tapi Greyson tetap mau, lho, nge-date sama penggemarnya. "Kenapa enggak? I love my fans so much! They are the reason why I am here today. I am so blessed," jelasnya.

j - john lennon
Gitaris dan vokalis The Beatles diakui Greyson sering menginspirasinya saat membuat lagu. Tanggal 10 Oktober tahun lalu, sehari setelah ultah John Lennon, Greyson ngucapin selamat ultah buat Lennon lewat Twitter-nya. "Happy Birthday to the most passionate songwriter and artist to ever step on the planet, John Lennon," ucapnya.

k - kencan pertama
Siap-siap pergi ke pantai kalau diajak nge-dateGreyson. Soalnya pantai adalah tempat yang bakal didatangi Gresyson saat kencan pertamanya.

l - lady gaga 
"Lady Gaga benar-benar inspirasi terbesar aku. Suara dan lagu-lagunya adalah bagian dari seni, dan Gaga udah ngubah hidup aku. Kalau dia enggak bikin lagu Paparazzi, aku enggak bakal bisa seperti ini. She's so incredible," beber Greyson.

m - mad hatter 
Kalau bisa jadi salah satu karakter di buku, Greyson bakal memilih tokoh The Mad Hatter di buku Alice In Wonderland. "Because he's weird," katanya.

n - no matter what ever happens, always be yourself
Itulah motto Greyson yang enggak pernah dia lupain. Makanya Greyson juga suka sama cewek yang selalu pede dengan diri sendirinya

o - oklahoma
Greyson besar di Oklahoma di Amrik, tepatnya di kota Edmond. Greyson bilang yang bikin dia kangen sama kampung halamannya ini adalah teman-temannya dan jalanannya yang enggak pernah macet.

p - piano 
Baru sekitar tiga tahun ini Greyson bisa main piano. Sejak itu juga dia jatuh cinta dengan alat musik ini. "Untung aja aku bisa memainkan piano, soalnya aku enggak jago bikin karya tulis bahasa Inggris," ucap Greyson di Twitter.

r - rela masak
Greyson mau banget masak spaghetti untuk menu makanan kencan pertamanya.

s - silly question
Saat Greyson datang ke premiere film Twilight, seorang wartawan bertanya kepadanya gimana rasanya main di film Twilight Saga. Greyson jawab kalau dia enggak ikut main di film itu sambil tertawa. Menurutnya, itu adalah pertanyaan paling aneh yang pernah ditanya wartawan kepadanya.

t - tanner dan alexa 
Sejak sibuk nyiapin album barunya, Greyson jadi jarang ketemu dengan dua kakaknya, Tanner dan Alexa. Kalau lagi kangen, Greyson langsung ngajak ngobrol kedua kakaknya lewat telepon dan Skype.

u - unacceptable girls
Jangan harap bisa deketin Greyson kalau wajah kita lagi pakai make-up. Soalnya Greyson paling enggak suka sama cewek yang dandan.

v - vinyl
Kalau udah memutar piringan hitam (vinyl), Greyson bisa lupa sama semuanya. "I love vinyl. Aku bisa memutar piringan hitam, mendengarkan lagunya selama berjam-jam," kata Greyson.

w - white bracelets
Gelang berwarna putih hitam plus cincin perak adalah beberapa barang yang dikoleksi Greyson.

x - x-traordinary album
Musik pop-rock dan slow rock ballads bakal mewarnai debut album Greyson yang rencananya bakal dirilis tahun depan. Greyson juga bilang kalau ada lagu yang bisa bikin kita nangis di albumnya ini. "It's great and really unique," katanya. Uh uh!

y - @yelyahwilliams
Alias Hayley Williams. Vokalis band Paramore yang pengin Greyson ajak nyanyi bareng.

z - zuper soccer player
Ini dia olahraga kesukaan Greyson! Nomor punggungnya sebelas, lho.
NEXT - Greyson Chance's Fact ♥

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

0 No Tittle #2

“Dear Heart, I’m sorry, but I once again fell for someone that doesn’t like me back..you can feel free to break anytime now. This time, I’m ready for it…”

Je t’aime.



There is someone out there for me
Can you tell me his name? 
How does he laugh? How does he cry? 
What is the color of his eyes?
Does he even realize I’m here? 
Where are you??  -   “Where Are You” - natalie

 You are part of someone else’s life. Others fill their loves with pieces of you. So if you run out of reasons to live, remember that someone else’s life can never be complete without you in it.
NEXT - No Tittle #2

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

0 No Tittle.

“It just hurts so badly sometimes. Sometimes it feels like you’re being thrown into a train track, but the train only hits your heart. Continuously. Over and over again. Without failure.”
Maybe my heart’s too weak. There’s just this feeling, thought I had to get going… got too scary, got too big, got to get out of here. But now I don’t know how to get home.Memories just linger and don’t seem to go away. Why can’t I be happier?  The confusion I’m feeling now won’t disappear over night, but someway, somehow, everything will be alright.

“Some of us get quiet, go inside ourselves and guard against the hurt. Others run through the storm, knocking on doors looking for help… I tend to go inside. I just need a little one on one time with myself to figure some things out. i  just need to be alone, i’ll be back.

 “You are enough, just as you are.  Each emotion you feel, everything in your life, everything you do or do not do…where you are and who you are right now is enough.  It is perfect. you are perfect enough”

 You’re the only person with the ability to make me smile without even trying. I want you to know that I am so very grateful for you. I’m so grateful for all the wonderful memories we have shared: all the smiles and the laughters. You light up my world and show me things I never dreamed I’d see. Thank you for all that you do for me and all that you have given me. thank you for being you.

“Your worth does not revolve around what others think, Your worth is what you put in yourself and know in your heart.”
When we begin to help ourselves first, though selfish it may feel, then we can begin to help others. We must first try to heal ourselves in order to realize that we are much stronger than we give ourselves credit for. It is only when we lose part of ourselves it is that we realize what we had.
You have come into my life through a door I was afraid would never be opened again, for many have slammed it on their way out. So please feel free to stay as long as you’d like. But should the time come that you must leave - please, close the door gently as you go.
 “The more we start liking somebody, the more we fear losing them. It’s a human tendency because we can’t afford to lose a person chosen among millions.”
 Far too often we depend on others to make us happy, when really all we have to do is look in the mirror and realize happiness starts within ourselves.
Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it. - Groucho Marx
" Days begin with hopes and ends with dreams. Everyday starts with some expectation but surely ends with some experience- that’s life!"

 “When things get tough, find a reason to go on instead of a reason to quit. Both are easy to find, but the one you chose will change your life.”
And The Last........
All that I ask is that you listen,
Not talk or do - just hear me. 
 So, please listen and just hear me
And, if you want to talk,
Wait a minute for your turn - and I’ll listen to you.
NEXT - No Tittle.
Hello Kitty Winking Pointer


Demi Lovato-Let it go

Thanks for Coming :)


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